I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Keira Bui in an entrepreneur group for women on Facebook. I was immediately drawn by her work and the connection with my empowering ways of being. “I am a powerful, confident, loving leader.”
Here Keira Bui tells us a bit more about her women empowerment project and her life as an artist.
1) What is empowering art for you?
Art is empowering when it is relatable and inspiring. It’s easy to create something that only the artist understands. It’s much harder to create something which most people see themselves in, or have a strong connection to. This is what I always aim to do with my artworks. I think I still have a long way to go, but I’m getting there 🙂

2) Tell us a bit more about your ‘I am’ women empowerment project
I started this painting series by accident. One night I felt the need to paint something but didn’t know what to paint. So I just picked up my sketchbook and started to draw. In just a few minutes, I did a sketch which later became one of my most popular paintings so far, ‘I am enough.’ The overwhelmingly positive feedback I got from everyone convinced me that I’m onto something, and thus came the ‘I am’ women empowering painting series.
As human beings (especially women), we’re always worried if we’re good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, healthy enough, smart enough… the list goes on. We compare ourselves to someone else’s perfect life on social media and feel inadequate. This painting series is a reminder that you’re enough and you should never try to be someone that you’re not. You’re unique. Always be yourself and love yourself.
So far I have ‘I am enough’, ‘I am strong’, creative, capable, free, and balanced. I’m going to create many more as long as they continue to help empower women and girls around the world.

3) In a few words what is art for you
Art has always been in my blood. I started reading manga (Japanese comics) since I was 4 and have never stopped drawing ever since. Many people have told me that it’s “lucky” to have such talents, but I believe artistic talents come from practice and hard work. However, I think I’m quite lucky to have such a passion in art. Without passion, nothing can be done well and authentically. Art is the way I express my true self, unwind, tell my personal story and connect with other people.
4) Tell us about special places or things you have seen that have been your sources of inspiration for the project
My supermom is a huge inspiration to me. I’m also very inspired by the news and other amazing women out there, such as Anna Bond or Brit Morin.
Please direct collaboration inquires to design(at)keirabui.com
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