The 3 ‘Fat Loss Foods’ Sabotaging Your Results


Hi dear friend:  Feel like you’re doing everything right on your diet plan but still not seeing the results you desire? Many people find themselves in this position. They are working hard on their approach and taking care to follow their diet to the letter. But yet, something is amiss. The scale just isn’t going […]

Best Christmas gifts to help relax and unwind


Hi dear friend: This time I want to give you a list of Christmas gifts for that special someone in your life who deserves a break. Stress affects many of us, and learning to cope with it helps deal and prevent many diseases. Get your loved one a gift to relax, de stress and unwind. […]

DYI Healthy recipes: Dairy-free sour cream


Hi dear friend: Want to learn how to make dairy-free sour cream at home? This recipe is paleo, vegan, dairy-free, and delicious! As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. Part […]

DIY How to make Dairy-free Strawberry smoothie


Hi dear friend: Want to make a thick, creamy and Dairy-Free strawberry smoothie?  Then you will love this recipe! As someone with osteoarthritis I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. Part of my diet […]

The 5 Commandments Of Smart Dieting


Hi dear friend: To really see best results from any diet plan you choose to use, you need to learn a few ‘diet commandments’. These are guidelines that must be followed if you are going to see superior results that will help propel you forward. Sadly, many people miss out on one or more of […]

Healing with rebirthing breathwork


Hi dear friend: If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering about the reasons to use rebirthing breathwork for healing. The summer solstice 2016 I had my second rebirthing experience. For me rebirthing has been part of my healing process, it has allowed me to heal some immediate issues I needed to resolve […]

DYI Healthy recipes: Dairy-free banana ice cream

dairy free banana ice cream

Hi dear friend: Want to learn how to make refined sugar free, dairy-free ice cream at home? The recipe uses organic almond milk and sunflower seed butter, you can do your own at home! You find the recipes, here As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy […]

The power of thought and water: Dr. Masaru Emoto


Hi dear friend: Wondering about the power of our thoughts and emotions? 10 years ago I watched a film called “What the Bleep do we know”, a  film combining interviews, graphics and narrative explaining in a very clear way how quantum physics and consciousness share a spiritual connection. Showing how it is that we create […]

DIY Healthy recipes: chocolate chia seed pudding


Hi dear friend: What are chia seeds and how to use them? Chia seeds can be used in different ways and this chocolate chia seed pudding recipe is just one of the many ways to use them! In addition, chia seeds are considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and are packed with antioxidants, fiber, protein, […]

Ho´oponopono healing: the power of forgiveness and love


Hi dear friend: Are you looking for a method to heal yourself and even help others? Ho´oponopono is a self-help method by a Hawaiian therapist who managed to cure a ward of criminally insane patients by healing himself. He did not meet them or spend time with them in order to heal them. He managed […]

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