DIY Healthy recipes: Dairy-free coconut ice cream

Hi dear friend: Want a healthier version to store-bought coconut ice cream? It is not only healthy, but it is also very easy to make. In addition, one of the main ingredients: coconut oil has some amazing antioxidant and antimicrobial properties! They counter negative effects of sagging in the skin, aging and macular degeneration, just […]
DIY Healthy recipes: Dairy-free chocolate mousse

Hi dear friend: Want a healthier version to store-bought chocolate mousse? This is a healthy dairy-free recipe to make chocolate mousse at home! As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as part of an early treatment to decrease pain and live a healthier life. […]
Simple mudra to help you prevent stress

Hi dear friend: You are probably like most of us, under a lot of stress. And you might be wondering what a mudra is, how to use it for meditation, and are not sure about the benefits it can bring you. I have found that this practice has helped me a lot to cope better […]
3 Secrets To Successfully Sticking With A Weight Loss Program

Hi dear friend: Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide start up and fall off diet programs every day. Why is it so hard to stick with something? Why they can’t carry out a plan once and for all? Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making […]
DIY Healthy recipes: raw walnut butter

Hi dear friend: Looking for an easy recipe to make clean, organic and low-glycemic raw walnut butter? This video will show you how to make your own healthy affordable and delicious organic raw walnut butter at home. As someone with osteoarthritis I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet as […]
DIY How to make crunchy banana amaranth pancakes

Hi dear friend: Gluten-free, dairy-free with a crunchy flavour banana amaranth pancakes! You are going to love this recipe! A tasty option for breakfast and dessert. I believe that our bodies have the ability to heal themselves in most cases, and that a healthy diet as well as a healthy lifestyle help prevent and heal. […]
4 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail

Hi dear friend: Wondering why you just cannot see success with your diet plan? Do you feel like every diet you go on, you eventually fall off somewhere along the line? Are you ready to toss in the towel on fat loss for good? Don’t be. If you stop and take a minute to look […]
Best Apps for relaxation and better sleep

Hi dear friend: If you are reading this article, you are probably needing help to slow down, relax, or get a good night’s sleep. Despite there being some disagreement on the exact amount of hours each individual should sleep each night, as this would vary according to their genetics. There is a consensus by all […]
DIY Healthy recipe: cashew milk

Hi dear friend: Are you lactose-intolerant? Looking for an easy recipe to make organic cashew milk? Or do you want a substitute to regular milk, without casein and cow friendly? This video will show you how to make your own healthy buttery & delicious organic cashew milk at home. You can make it with organic […]
Aromatherapy and best ways to use essential oils

Hi dear friend: If you are reading this article, you are probably considering the benefits of aromatherapy and the best ways to use essential oils for your wellbeing. Officially, aromatherapy was used or widely spread in the 11th century thanks to the discovery of steam distillation. In the 17th and 18th physicians such as Hippocrates, […]