The health benefits of drinking ginger lemon tea in the morning

Hi dear friend: One of my morning rituals includes drinking a warm cup of ginger lemon tea in the morning. It is the perfect way to get hydration, strengthen my immune system and get an energy boost. As someone with osteoarthritis I suffer from morning joint stiffness. Therefore I have adapted my already healthy diet, […]
How to relax using positive affirmations

Hi dear friend: Have you been struggling with lots of stress in your life lately? Do you feel that it is time to do something to help your body release some stress? Or do you struggle with being present in the moment? Well, today I want to show you how affirmations can help you with all […]
DIY Healthy recipes: gluten-free cauliflower pizza crust

Hi dear friend: As most of you, I do like eating pizza from time to time. I have avoided most my life and as much as possible eating fast food, but sometimes we need to have an option for when we are craving this Italian dish. I got an email from my brother with many […]
DIY Healthy recipes: Gluten-free and Dairy-free wraps

Hi dear friend: Want to enjoy food that at the same time have a diet that excludes gluten protein? I found this recipe on an old book and decided to adapt it a bit. I hope you like it as much as I do. As someone with osteoarthritis, I suffer from morning joint stiffness and […]
Power of emotions: How to deal with unkind people

Hi dear friend: Have you or are you now dealing with unkind people in your life? Learning about the power of our emotions is the key to learning how to deal with unkind people. I guess most of us at some point or another have met some unkind people in our lives. How to cope with […]
Healing with clear quartz: How to use crystals for healing

Hi dear friend: Have you been struggling with some dis-ease [sic] lately? Do you feel that it is time to do some healing in order to release emotions from your past? Well, today I want to show you how I have been using clear quartz for holistic healing. What is Crystal healing Crystal healing is […]
The health benefits of dark chocolate

Hi dear friend: Are you looking for a healthy treat? Wondering which chocolate to eat? Or trying to figure out which kind of chocolate is healthy and how much of it you should eat? Then dark chocolate could be the ideal snack for you! First of all, this delicious superfood is made from the seed […]
The power of gratitude: Watch this inspiring video

Hi dear friend: Have you considered how different our lives would be if we started the day by being grateful and using the power of gratitude? “It’s not happy people who are thankful. It’s thankful people who are happy.” Author unknown. It is amazing to witness how our life starts to change once we realize […]